Register in TANGEDCO

How to register for Online payment and use the TANGEDCO app for regular payments for the future.

1 Click on the following link 


to take u to the home page of TNEB payment.

2. Select New User .

3. Select 09-Chennai South

Keep along the TNEB card issued to you

4. Enter Consumer No as : 055139**

** your last digits after 055139 which is specific to your connection

Click “confirm “ and check your Consumer details displayed .

If OK Click Confirm.

(If not ok go to TNEB office with your sale deed copy and sort out the issues with AE there).

( TNEB office is near The Shiva temple past Pachiamman Koil  in Thirumullaivoil ).

(Also check if your mobile no and email id are updated properly in their records)

Once you have confirmed your details in the website you will get a link from TNEB and you have to use it to log in again and set your password.

Remember your log in ID is always 09 followed by your consumer no on the EB card and the password is what you have created.

From now on you can log in with your user id and created password and get to know all about your Connection payment details

Once you have done this now u can down load your mobile app.

Go to Google Store and down load “ TANGEDCO”

Now using your user id and created password set your mobile pin.

You can also pay online through this app.

Every time a new bill is generated for your consumption you will get a message as well as a mail .


Now go and register as a new user .

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